Shape your Destiny

Energy Healing & Mindset Coaching

Are you sensitive to Energy?

Do you experience often any of these?

->When you are in public you feel affected by other people's energies, so much so that you feel anxiety, overwhelm, frustration or even panic?

->You feel drained at the end of the day after a busy day at work.

->Your energy is easily scattered and you feel all over the place?

->You often attract people that drain your energy and vitality and you can't get your energy back?

->You are experiencing a spiritual awakening and feel confused, lost or your emotions are like a roller coaster?



Every painful and traumatic experience from your childhood left an energetic imprint on your body which is keeping you stuck or unhappy and unfulfilled.


When the traumatic experience happen, the energy gets stored in the body, because you reacted to that event, the energy spiralled within your body and that initial energy turns into energetic patterns, that keep you stuck and make you re-live the same thing over and over again…unconsciously, because you are still following the same energetic pattern from the past.

When something traumatic or triggering happens to us, we are affected on a mental, emotional, physical and energetical level. But we rarely address the energetical level, because we can’t see it, and we think it doesn’t exist, yet it rules our entire life from within.

Energy can keep us stuck and unhappy or it can give us happiness, inner peace and abundance on all levels.

What you receive from the Healing session:

·     clearing on your auric field 

·      purify and balance chakras

·   how to protect yourself from 

    absorbing other people’s negativity

·   heal and release stress, traumas and tension from the body

·   how to release the negative energy you absorbed during the day 

·   how to tune yourself to the frequency you want, so you can become a vibrational match for your desires 

·      how to raise your vibration instantly 

As we heal, we start to feel more present and focused. These patterns send vibrations to our consciousness that help awaken a healthier state of mind. As a result we feel less anxious and less afraid of what the future brings.

Think back when you met someone who was angry, anxious, or in a bad mood and next thing after that you felt exactly the same and carried that energy and mood with you throughout your entire day, feeling powerless about it and not knowing how to change it.
That energy stays stuck in our auric field and unless we clear it, we carry it with us attracting more of what matches that energy.
Energy healing works on all levels of our being, impacting our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

The healing goes deep into the cellular level, healing at a root level and purify root causes and transform deep-seated issues we’ve held on to for a long time.

Remember, just like any other healing journey, this also takes time. Healing is not a quick fix, sometimes you’ll feel results right away, but the more you’ll experience the healings, the better you will feel.

It’s Good for you!

No matter what, your future will be very interesting. Bad habits will break, you will make new discoveries and experience enlightening realisations. 

The more you invest in yourself, the more results you will receive.

Just know, I am here to help you in your amazing journey!

“Remember…when you HEAL yourself, you  HEAL others and you heal the world.”

About me

Hi! I am Anna. And I’ve experienced all those situations myself, I used to feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed out almost daily, especially during college and then in the work field.

I tried everything from the personal development field: affirmations, emotional work, self-help, rewiring the limiting beliefs, but it didn’t seem to work consistently and felt like I was ending up in the same place, but really exhausted and not at ease.

Until I discovered the energy work and how we can use it to clear our energy, protect our energy and remove the energetic blockages, so things started to move faster and easier, like the speed of light.

Shape Your Destiny

My coaching approach is to help you manifest what you want, by starting from where you are right now and where you want to be. We will focus in creating a stable foundation in terms of your energy, beliefs, habits and tuning into the higher version of yourself to receive guidance, clarity and insight so you can shape your destiny with ease, fun and joy.

I will guide you in tapping into your own inner wisdom and deep inner purpose that you feel are called to express in the world, your own unique energetic signature.

In this journey, we will explore techniques and practical tools which resonate with you the most. As we are all so unique and different, we will play according to your strengths here. 

As each of us is the creator of our own life and we have our own authentic truth, we also have the power to make great decisions, coaching is a guidance to lead us to our own truth.

 We are each the creator and director of our own life, able to create and discover „on purpose” what our life will look like, feel like and be like, manifesting our desires. 


Healing session


coaching session



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